Sunday, 27 November 2022

3 Circles

After WWII Francis Bacon was told that artists can’t paint portraits any more. So he decided he was going to paint portraits.

I feel the same way about circles. They are difficult to work with. There are a couple of artists who work with circles. Sonia Delaunay was one, and Hilma Af Klint another. Hilma is famous for inventing abstract painting decades before Wassily Kandinsky (a bloke) did. Some argue that they aren't abstract, but are diagrams 😑 I got a book about her recently, a facsimile of a sketchbook showing her process. She and her pals were interested in the invisible stuff that had just been invented, like The Id, UV light, magnets. The book is about a scientific way to make art, more interested in electric current than fashion. It might be pareidolia, but it looks very contemporary. Perhaps the shapes remind us of the non-organic visual manifestations delivered to us digitally now.

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