Sunday 17 July 2022

22 Ersatz

What a great word. A cousin to quotidian. Both slightly magical sounding but opaque in meaning. Matter-of-fact stuff as metaphor is a useful perspective in process. 

There is some playing with scale… here and here

I have mentioned The Singing Ringing Tree before. Made in a big sound stage at Babelsberg Studios in old East Berlin, it was (unusually for a children’s movie at the time) given a similar budget to a grown-up film. All kinds of things stood for something else. A stand-out prop being that the frozen water in the pond of the giant fish was actually lard. A higher melting point under arc-light.

After WW2, the French government introduced needlework kits to encourage cottage industry self-help. It took off. I bought one of these magic curtains on Ebay, which are able to transform any living room into a rural idyll. 

Rural idylls are what we want, we can even do a short course on it

Although there are rumblings…

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